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Definition: Known or Virtually Certain

The standard for deciding what happened to a player's ball - for example, whether the ball came to rest in a penalty area, whether it moved or what caused it to move.

Known or virtually certain means more than just possible or probable. It means that either:

"All reasonably available information" includes all information the player knows and all other information he or she can get with reasonable effort and without unreasonable delay.

When searching for a ball, only information discovered within the three-minute search time is considered when determining whether knowledge or virtual certainty exists.

[+] Known or Virtually Certain/1 - Applying "Known or Virtually Certain" Standard When Ball Moves

[+] Known or Virtually Certain/2 - Virtual Certainty Is Irrelevant if It Comes to Light After Three-Minute Search Expires

[+] Known or Virtually Certain/3 - Player Unaware Ball Played by Another Player